Children have dreams and aspirations, envisioning a future where they can conquer the world. As parents, it is our responsibility to support them in pursuing their passions. However, without quality education, there is no Bright Future. Education is the foundation stone for A Child’s Future security.

Education planning is crucial and plays a significant role in your child’s life. Therefore, to be prepared for such expenses and create a financially secured future for them, you need to start investing in a child education plan.

Understand Education costs!

Have you seen the price tag on higher education these days? It’s hefty, ranging from 20 to 25 lakhs in India, and 40 to 60 lakhs for abroad. And that’s not all – think course fees, transportation, books, and more. So, when’s the right time to start investing for your child’s future? The answer is simple: the earlier, the better. Starting early lets your investment flourish and crafts a clear path for your child’s education. Remember, they say, “Early investments open up more roads to choose from!”

Hence, a education plan to achieve this goal is very important. If you already have children, the earlier you start planning, the better.

Especially if you want your child to attend good institutions and abroad. You must begin planning soon as the education costs are only on the rise.


Follow these simple yet powerful steps:  to secure your child’s education

  1. When’s the Big Day? Decide how long you have before the education milestone.

  2. Counting the Costs: Estimate the expenses of education.

  3. Taking Stock: Understand your current financial situation.

  4. The Savings Game: Determine the amount you need to save now.

  5. Investment Magic: Plan your investments wisely.

  6. Safety Net: Ensure you have sufficient insurance coverage.

  7. Expect the Unexpected: Prepare for surprises along the way.

  8. No Time to Waste: Start this adventure now!

Each step brings you closer to a brighter educational future for your child. Let’s dive in!

When your child is ready to go to college, you will be ready with the right amount of money and won’t be awed by the high costs of education, here planning is crucial to set them on the right course. The sooner you start, the further ahead.

Child Higher Education Expenses Calculation

Here are the details….

Child Age (Current) 3 Years
Age when child will go for Higher Education 20 Years
Present Cost of Higher Education ₹ 50,00,000
Expected Inflation Rate 8%
Considering inflation, u need a Higher Education fund of ₹ 1,85,00,090

How much money do you need to save Monthly or lumpsum to fund your child’s education?

Investment Needed Option 1, @ 12.00 % Option 2, @ 7.00 %
Monthly SIP Till Age 20 ₹ 29,644 ₹ 48,181
Monthly SIP For 5 Years ₹ 58,549 ₹ 1,14,727
Monthly SIP For 10 Years ₹ 37,353 ₹ 66,975
Lumpsum Investment ₹ 26,94,433 ₹ 58,56,655

Illustration for education purpose only.  Option 1 & 2 are returns in CAGR